Ways to Pay

Monthly, water bills are sent to your billing address. To pay your bill through the mail, forward your payment stub and check or money-order to:

Portland Water District
PO Box 9751
Portland, ME 04104-5051

Do not send cash through the mail.

Do not send payments to the Portland Water District’s corporate offices at 225 Douglass Street in Portland. Sending your payment to the Portland Water District may delay payment processing.

You can make payments at the following locations:

Portland Water District               
225 Douglass Street                  
Portland, Maine

Lobby hours are Tuesday-Thursday from 8:00 am to 12:00 pm by appointment.
If lobby is closed you may leave your payment in the locked dropbox.       

leaky faucet

Drip. Drip. Drip.

Got a high water bill? A dripping faucet or leaky toilet may be the culprit. Become a LEAK SEEKER. A quick toilet dye test using food coloring can tell you if your toilet is leaking.

woman looking at a glass of water

Common Questions

Questions about your account, bill, or water conservation? You’re sure to find the answer in our frequently asked questions section.

person holding a pen with a laptop and bills

Pay Online

It couldn’t be easier to manage your account and pay your bill online!  With a click of the mouse, view your account, water usage, payment history and more.

Woman sitting on couch, reading on her phone

Customer News

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