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- EPA Announces New PFAS Rule And PWD Meets Standards
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- Industrial Pretreatment Portland
- Industrial Pretreatment Westbrook-Gorham
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- Portable Drinking Water Solutions for Your Community Event!
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- Protecting Public Health: Minimizing Lead Exposure
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- Sebago Lake
- Sebago Lake Land Reserve
- Sebago Lake Land Reserve: Unique Ecological Features
- Sebago Lake Monitoring Buoy
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- Sebago Lakescaping Program
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- Water Bottle Filling Station Grants
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- Water Main Replacement Program
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Posts by category
- Category: Alerts
- Category: Water Main Breaks
- Category: News
- Category: E-News
- Category: Press Release
- $1,500 DiPietro Scholarship Application Now Available.
- Portland Water District Board of Trustees Approves 2025 Budget
- Emanuel (Manny) Archibald of Gray named Director of Human Resources at Portland Water District
- PWD completes lead inventory, certifies no lead service lines in system
- Portland Water District launches massive project to update service valve locations
- Portland Water District Seeks Applications For 2024 Water Bottle Filling Fountain Grants
- Portland Water District’s Bond Rating Upgraded to ‘AA+’ by S&P Global Ratings, and Aa3 by Moody’s
- Portland Water District Joins Wastewater Multidistrict Law Suit (MDL) Against PFAS Manufacturers
- Portland Water District Continues to Tackle PFAS Contamination in Biosolids; Advanced Study Makes Recommendations
- Ouellette of Gorham Awarded $1,500 Scholarship
- William Lunt, Falmouth, Elected President, Frederick McCann, Portland, Elected Vice President
- Portland Water District Begins Early Spring Water Main Maintenance
- Water main work impacts traffic on Spring Street in Westbrook.
- $1,500 Joseph A. DiPietro Scholarship Application now available at WWW.PWD.ORG
- PWD receives highest award for financial reporting
- Portland Water District announces 2023 recipients of water bottle filling fountain grants.
- Popular Sebago Lake to Casco Bay Calendar is now available
- Portland Water District Trustees Approves A Combined $108.7 Million Operating and Capital Budget for 2024
- Protecting public health, water quality, and you! Minimizing the risk of lead exposure.
- Portland Water District customers saw significant benefit from water assistance program
- Portland Water District employees called on as industry leaders
- Hunt and Jasper recognized for published paper, Responding to Customer Water Quality Inquiries
- Portland Water District earns national recognition for sustainability.
- Portland Water District Seeks Applications For 2023 Water Bottle Filling Fountain Grants
- Portland Water District bond rating remains high, Aa3 for water bonds, Aa1 for wastewater bonds
- Cape Elizabeth, Westbrook wastewater facilities earn peak performance award
- PWD welcomes the newest trustee, Leroy Crockett of Scarborough
- Portland Water District’s intricate, historic roofing project nearly complete
- UPDATE: Advancing Our Community: A Sustainable Wastewater Solution and Transportation Improvements
- Advancing Our Community: A Sustainable Wastewater Solution
- Recognizing the men and women that keep Maine’s water clean and safe
- Local industries recognized for excellence in pretreatment of wastewater
- Portland Water District begins spring program to clean water mains
- Portland Water District (Maine) takes proactive steps to tackle PFAS-contaminated wastewater biosolids
- Plummer of Raymond Awarded $1,500 Scholarship
- Portland Water District looks to fill trustee seat representing Scarborough
- New meter reading vehicle points to more efficiency at Portland Water District
- $1,500 Joseph A. DiPietro Scholarship Application now available at WWW.PWD.ORG
- PWD Helps Communities Obtain $3.2 Million in Federal Funding for Water and Wastewater Projects
- New program helps residents pay water and sewer bills
- Portland Water District Trustees Approve a $55.5 Million Operating Budget for 2023
- Lewis Presented with Prestigious AMWA President’s Award
- Deactivation of seasonal services
- Seth Garrison of Scarborough joins the Portland Water District as General Manager
- Clean drinking water is focus Thursday
- Write-in candidates in Gorham encouraged
- No PFAS Found in Greater Portland’s drinking water
- Results are in: no monkeypox detected in Portland wastewater
- Westbrook Gorham industries recognized for excellence in wastewater pretreatment
- Notice: mailed water bill payments sometimes delayed
- Portland Water District expands wastewater testing for monkeypox, influenza A, and RSV
- Portland Water District asks public to not paint hydrants
- Opportunity to serve the public while actively protecting our water resources
- Clean Water Week, June 5-11
- Portland Water District maps out sustainable wastewater future
- Local industries recognized for excellence in pretreatment of wastewater
- Trustees increase funding for Water Bottle Filling Fountain Grant Program
- PWD receives highest financial reporting recognition from GFOA
- Anderson of Westbrook Awarded $1,500 Scholarship
- 2022 water main flushing begins first week of May
- Baxter Boulevard Wastewater Force Main Upgrade Project Begins March 14
- Staples of Alfred and Patterson of South Portland Complete Management School
- 2021 Water Bottle Filling Fountain Grant Recipients
- $1,500 Joseph A. DiPietro Scholarship Application now available
- Portland Water District Trustees Approve $50.1 Million Budget for 2022
- Local Business Wins Award for Wastewater Pretreatment Excellence
- Utilities United Against Scams Recognizes Sixth Annual Utility Scam Awareness Day on November 17
- Standish Water Storage Tank goes offline for three weeks.
- Portland Water District launches new billing and asset management systems
- Deactivation of Seasonal Water Service October 2021
- Westbrook Gorham industries recognized for excellence in wastewater pretreatment
- PWD received Distinguished Budget Award
- Cybersecurity
- Call for photos, 2022 Sebago Lake Calendar
- After idle year prompted by pandemic restrictions, the Sebago Lake monitoring buoy is back in water
- COVID 19 Response Update
- Local industries recognized for excellence in pretreatment of wastewater
- Bourque of South Portland Awarded $1,500 Scholarship
- Conserve Water and Stop Pollution: Portland Water District offers rain barrels at cost!
- National Drinking Water Week, May 2-8
- Portland Water District begins spring program to clean water mains
- $1,500 Joseph A. DiPietro Scholarship Application now available
- PWD receives highest award for financial reporting
- Levinsky, Siviski Reelected to Portland Water District Board
- Portland Water District among 23 entities poised to benefit from renewable energy contracts
- PWD received Distinguished Budget Award
- Portland Water District receives favorable bond ratings
- Deactivation of Seasonal Water Service
- Cooper of Windham and Johnson of Gorham complete Wastewater Operator’s School
- Applications for 2021 Water Bottle Filling Fountain Grants Now Available
- As schools open, PWD advises flushing internal plumbing to ensure safe water
- Unique Maine partnership to measure COVID-19 prevalence by testing Greater Portland’s wastewater
- Louise Douglas, Windham, Elected President, William Lunt III, Falmouth, Elected Vice President
- Images of Sebago Lake Calendar- 2021
- Cape Elizabeth Wastewater Treatment Plant upgraded to eliminate use of chemicals and improve safety and performance
- Portland Water District begins spring flushing program
- Two Local Students Awarded $1,500 Scholarships
- To ensure safe water, PWD advises flushing internal plumbing after prolonged vacancy
- Portland Water District Trustees delay May 1 water rate increase
- 2021 Images of Sebago Lake Calendar
- Increased use of cleaning wipes and short supplies of toilet paper, raise concerns over improperly flushed materials
- Portland Water District reissues consumer warning, postcard marketing campaign
- Recent complications compel Portland Water District to urge public sewer customers to only flush human waste and toilet paper
- PWD receives highest award for financial reporting
- Allagash Brewing Recognized for Pretreatment Excellence
- Category: Public Notice
- New Website Bill Stuffer
- Sebago In Depth Winter 2025
- Standing Rules
- Bylaws
- Trustee Election Brochure
- 2025 Comprehensive Budget Report
- PWD 2025 Strategic Plan
- Sebago In Depth Summer 2024
- 2023 Annual Comprehensive Financial Report
- 2024 Annual Water Quality Report Bill Stuffer
- 2024 Annual Water Quality Report
- Sebago In Depth Winter 2024
- Sebago Lake Calendar
- 2024 Comprehensive Budget Report
- 2023 Customer Satisfaction Bill Stuffer
- 2023 Customer Satisfaction Survey Results
- Our logo is now as clear as your tap water Bill Stuffer
- Sebago In Depth Summer 2023
- Annual Comprehensive Financial Report 2022
- 2023 Annual Water Quality Report
- Protecting Public Health by Minimizing Lead Exposure
- Sebago In Depth Winter 2023
- Scholarship and Federal Funding Bill Stuffer
- Cold weather tips to prevent meters and pipes from freezing
- 2023 Comprehensive Budget Report
- PFAS and Consumer Assistance Program
- Ensuring your water is safe: Total Coliform Monitoring
- Online account sweepstakes
- Sebago In Depth, summer 2022
- Annual Comprehensive Financial Report 2021
- Diagnosing Discolored Water Brochure
- AWQR bill stuffer 2022
- 2022 Annual Water Quality Report
- Sebago Lake Assessment 2021
- Tributaries Monitoring Report 2021
- Lower Bay Bacteria Monitoring Report 2021
- Crooked River Monitoring Report 2021
- 2022 Comprehensive Financial Budget
- Save Time: Pay Online Sweepstakes
- New Bill Easier to Read
- New online account management and bill pay system
- Sebago In Depth, Summer 2021
- 2020 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report
- Annual Water Quality Report Bill Stuffer 2021
- National Drinking Water Week 2021
- 2021 Annual Water Quality Report
- Rain Barrels 2021
- Sebago in Depth, Winter 2021
- November 2020 Bill Stuffer
- 2021 Comprehensive Financial Budget
- Sebago in Depth, 2020
- 2019 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report
- Swimming Brochure
- 2020 annual water quality report
- Rain Barrels 2020
- Don't flush wipes
- Conservation and Customer Assistance
- Charter
- Plants - shade and wet
- Plants - part sun and wet
- Plants - part sun and dry
- Plants - shade and dry
- Plants - sun and dry
- Plants - sun and wet
- How do I unsubscribe from alerts?
- The water coming out of my faucet is dirty, what do I do?
- Can you tell me more about Autopay?
- Can I pay my bill on-line at PWD's website?
- I’ve read PWD’s Frequently Asked Questions about Online Account and Bill Payments but still need assistance. What should I do?
- How do I change my account information?
- Can I tell if my payment has been posted?
- How long will my payment history be maintained and can I print a copy of my bill?
- What is Pay by Text?
- What is Account Linking?
- How long does it take for online payments to process?
- Can I use more than one payment method per transaction?
- How will I know that my payment has been accepted?
- How do I remove or change my credit card or bank account number for online payments?
- What forms of payment can I use?
- Is there a charge for using PWD's online bill pay service?
- I forgot my password, how do I access my account?
- I forgot my username, how do I access my account?
- Do I have to enter an email address to make a payment?
- When I try to pay my bill, it asks for credit card information and I want to pay by electronic check.
- Will I receive a confirmation email that my bill has been paid?
- Do I need to register to pay a bill?
- What if I can’t locate my bill?
- What is PCI Compliance and why is it so important?
- Is my credit card and checking account information safe when I pay online?
- Is my information secure?
- What are some of the benefits of paying a bill online?
- What are some of the benefits of receiving my bill electronically?
- How do I read my bill?
- Are there any concerns about these chemicals in wastewater?
- Are there PFAS in our drinking water?
- How can you prevent Legionella in your building’s internal plumbing system?
- What are common causes and sources of infection?
- Who is at risk for Legionnaires’ Disease?
- How do you contract Legionnaires’ Disease?
- Is there Legionella in our water?
- What is Legionella?
- Do I really need to change out my refrigerator filter every six months? It doesn’t seem to cause any issues.
- What is an autoclave and how does it sterilize bottles?
- What if I choose not to install a backflow device?
- What are substantial renovations?
- If I have a grandfathered fire sprinkler system, do I have to install a backflow preventer right away?
- What is the cost of backflow prevention devices?
- Why are you updating your Cross Connection Control Program now?
- Will installing a backflow preventer affect the water pressure in my home?
- Does having a backflow preventer at my meter mean that my home/business is protected?
- What is a backflow prevention device and which one is best to install?
- Do you need to have annual testing of your backflow device?
- What are some examples of hazards at my home that could contaminate the drinking water system?
- Do residential properties need backflow devices?
- How can you prevent backflows from occurring?
- What is a backflow?
- What is a cross connection?
- How does PWD know how much water our customers use?
- Why do water utilities issue boil water orders?
- Has the Portland Water District taken any steps to reduce possible lead in the water?
- This winter and spring I have noticed a stronger chlorine taste to my water, is Portland Water District adding more chlorine?
- Where can I find more information?
- What should I do when the boil water advisory or order has been lifted?
- What if I drank the water already?
- How long will the boil order remain in effect?
- What are the symptoms of water-borne illness?
- What can I do with my tap water?
- Can I use bottled water?
- How should tap water be boiled properly?
- I have a water treatment device; do I still need to boil my drinking water?
- Is it necessary to boil all water in the home during an advisory or order?
- How can I make my water safe?
- Who can be affected?
- Why must I boil my water?
- Do you have any advice for the food service industry during a boil order?
- What’s the largest fish ever caught in Sebago Lake?
- Why does PWD allow snowmobiling but does not allow the use of ATVs within the Sebago Lake Land Reserve?
- Is hunting allowed on Portland Water District property?
- Why does the PWD offer school-based education programs?
- I heard it's a law that you need an invasives plant sticker to boat on Maine lakes now. How do I go about getting one?
- I can dispose of hazardous chemicals down the drain, right? The wastewater plant is responsible for clean up.
- My water faucet drips, should I fix it?
- Some people say I should put a brick in my toilet tank to save water. How does that save water and is it a good idea?
- How should I fill my fish aquarium?
- Is it OK to feed the ducks on Sebago Lake?
- How does the lake freeze?
- What is lake turnover?
- How deep is Sebago Lake?
- Is Sebago Lake clean?
- There is foam accumulating on the lake? Is this indicative of pollution?
- If the PWD built a water filtration plant, would there still be a need for lake protection?
- Can I use fertilizers and pesticides around the lake?
- Does the PWD have authority to control uses of the lake?
- Does PWD control the level of water in Sebago Lake?
- Why is the PWD concerned about invasive aquatic plants?
- Why does the PWD allow ice fishing inside the 2-mile limit?
- Why is boating allowed on the southern end of the lake but swimming is not allowed?
- Where can I find additional information about the quality of my tap water?
- Should I use a home water filter?
- Is tap water suitable for use in a home kidney dialysis machine?
- Should I buy bottled water?
- What is the Portland Water District's position on fluoride?
- There is a blue-green stain where my water drips into my sink. What causes this?
- What is the hardness of my water?
- Why does my water sometimes look cloudy?
- Is water treated with chlorine safe to drink?
- There is pink slime in my shower. What is it and is it harmful?
- Are there pharmaceuticals in my drinking water?
- Why did I get a late fee?
- My bill says I have a credit balance, what does that mean?
- When should I pay my bill?
- Why do I have a payment on my bill that I didn’t make?
- Why did my usage increase by 1 HCF this month when I know I used the same amount of water for both months?
- My water bill seems high. What could cause this?
- My water bill seems low. What could cause this?
- What uses the most water in a single family home?
- How many gallons of water, or HCF, does a typical family use in a month?
- How does Hundred Cubic Feet (HCF) relate to gallons of water used?
- How do I know if my outside tap is leaking?
- How do I know if my faucet or shower is leaking?
- What are some common causes of toilet leaks?
- How do I know if my toilet is leaking?
- Do water leaks really matter?
- How can I reduce outside water usage?
- How can I conserve water in the kitchen and laundry room?
- How can I conserve water in the bathroom?
- How much fluoride is added to the water?
- How does water fluoridation compare to other public health measures?
- How is fluoride manufactured?
- How does fluoride prevent tooth decay?
- Is fluoride a safe drinking water additive?
- Why is water disinfection needed?
- How can I avoid frozen meters and pipes?
- How do I conserve water?
- What is a Submeter and how will it lower my wastewater bill?
- How do I read my residential water meter?
- Why did I get a late fee?
- Why isn’t my payment displayed on my current bill?
- How does Hundred Cubic Feet (HCF) relate to gallons of water used?
- The History of Portland Water District
- Making a bill payment once you are logged in to your new online account
- Logging in as an existing autopay or paperless customer
- Logging in to your new online account
- Sebago Lake Water Treatment Facility Virtual Tour 2021
- Board of Trustees Regular Meeting, July 2020
- Board of Trustees Regular Meeting, June 2020
- Cape Elizabeth Wastewater Treatment Plant UV Ribbon Cutting
- Industrial Pretreatment
- Zones of Protection for Drinking Water: Part 7
- Water Main Leak Repair
- 2019 Rate Adjustment
- Portland Water District - A great place to work: Engineer
- Portland Water District - A great place to work: Scientist
- Protecting a Trillion Gallons of Water: Land Conservation – Part 6
- Protecting A Trillion Gallons Of Water - Forest Management Part 5
- Protecting A Trillion Gallons Of Water-Environmental Education:WaterWays Part 4
- Portland Water District - A great place to work: Plant Operator
- Protecting A Trillion Gallons Of Water - Lake Water Quality Monitoring Part 3
- Protecting a Trillion Gallons of Water - Lower Bay Security: Part 2
- Sebago Lake Monitoring Buoy Deployment, May 16, 2018
- Source Protection Video Series: Protecting a Trillion Gallons of Water
- What's Water Worth?
- What's Water Worth? #2
- Wastewater 101
- The History of the Portland Water District
- Portland Water District Educational Programs
Construction Bids
- Sebago Heights Pump Station Controls Upgrade
- Caleb Street Water Main Replacement, Portland
- Fence Replacement - East End Wastewater Treatment Facility 2025
- Slate Roof Replacement - 2025
- Bridge & Pierce St Water Main Replacement, Portland
- Providence Street Water Main Replacement, Portland
- Kent Street, Dennett Street & Donald Street Water Main Replacement, Portland
- Trustee Meeting
- Trustee Workshop
- Trustee Meeting
- Trustee Workshop
- Trustee Meeting
- Trustee Workshop
- Trustee Meeting
- Trustee Workshop
- Trustee Meeting
- Trustee Workshop
- Trustee Meeting
- Trustee Workshop
- Trustee Meeting
- Trustee Workshop
- Trustee Meeting
- Trustee Workshop
- Trustee Meeting
- Trustee Workshop
- Trustee Meeting
- Trustee Workshop