
Barbara O-Connell, Photographer

Many of us don’t give much thought to the water that flows down the drain – out of sight, out of mind. But, what happens to that water is vital to our health and to the environment.

Wastewater systems play an important role in the cleanliness of our waters. Prior to the construction of treatment plants, raw sewage polluted our waters and negatively impacted wildlife and the environment.

The Portland Water District operates and maintains four wastewater treatment plants, and through a partnership with municipalities, provides wastewater services including collection to Cape Elizabeth, Cumberland, Gorham, Portland, Westbrook, and Windham.


Wastewater treatment plants produce two products, clean water and biosolids. The clean water is safely released into our waters and the biosolids (wastewater solids), or sludge, is treated and landfilled.


The Portland Water District works with municpalities to inspect and maintain the collection systems which include pump stations, manholes, interceptor pipes, collection pipes, forcemains storm drains and combined sewer overflows. The primary purpose of these systems is to convey the flow from residential and nonresidential customers to wastewater treatment plants.

Collection Systems