Rain Barrels
About your rain barrel
As part of National Drinking Water Week and Clean Water Week, PWD partners directly with the manufacturer to offer discounted rain barrels at $80 (plus $4.40 tax). This is more than 50% off the retail price.
Rain barrels are a great way to conserve water and reduce pollution. Rainwater collected from your roof can be used to water lawns, gardens, and indoor plants.
About your rain barrel:
- Reused 55-gallon food grade barrel
- Easy to install and use
- Fully screened intake port keeps mosquitoes, insects, & debris out.
- Removable lid provides easy access to clean or fill watering cans.
- Overflow connector and tubing allow water to be directed away from the foundation or to join multiple barrels.
- Solid brass threaded spigot can be connected to a regular or soaker hose.
- Great storage place for hoses in the off-season.
- Can be used with or without gutters. For use without gutters, you will need a location where water concentrates and flows off a roof.
- Elevate your barrel for easy access to the spigot.