Portland Water District partnered with three communities in Cumberland County to obtain $3.2 million in federal funding for water and wastewater projects. The Portland Water District recognized the importance of each project to our service communities and municipal partners, and strongly advocated for federal financial support.

“These projects are important to Greater Portland’s economy as well as the sustainability of our water and wastewater infrastructure. Many thanks to Senator Susan Collins for making it happen.” stated Portland Water District General Manager Seth Garrison.

Vulnerability Assessment of the Presumpscot River Corridor ($996,000)

In the fall of 2020, a 2-acre landslide filled a portion of the Presumpscot River in Westbrook and threatened public water and wastewater infrastructure. The landslide impacted two 42-inch water pipes and the Westbrook Wastewater Treatment Facility. Concerned with potential damage to critical infrastructure and disruption of service, Portland Water District removed the debris and stabilized a portion of the riverbank. Federal funding will assess other problematic areas along the Presumpscot River corridor.

Feasibility Study for Water and Wastewater Systems in Gorham ($240,000)

Gorham has long considered expanding their wastewater system to accommodate ongoing development and support well-planned sustainable regional economic growth. Portland Water District supported Gorham in getting funding to study expanding the water and wastewater systems.

Windham Wastewater Treatment Facility ($2,000,000)

Years of study in the North Windham Commercial District have shown that the use of private septic systems was having long-term adverse effects on the underlying aquifer and adjacent water bodies. Windham and the Portland Water District are partnering to design a reliable, advanced wastewater treatment system that will improve and protect water quality. Funding for the $40.6 million project is coming from a mix of federal, state, and local sources.

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