Former General Manager of the Portland Water District, Carrie Lewis, was presented with the Association of Metropolitan Water Agencies (AMWA) President’s Award earlier this week.  The prestigious award is presented to individuals who have made outstanding contributions to the improvement of water supply management.

Ms. Lewis is a well-known and nationally-respected leader in the water sector.  She recently retired from the Portland Water District after five and a half years as General Manager. She came from Milwaukee Water Works where she led the utility to restore public confidence after the well-publicized Cryptosporidium-related illness outbreak of 1993.

Ms. Lewis is well known in the water industry as she actively shares her expertise and knowledge to shape drinking water regulatory policy. She serve on the Association of Metropolitan Water Agencies AMWA and Water Research Foundation’s Board of Directors. She previously was awarded the prestigious AWWA George Warren Fuller Award, the drinking water community’s highest honor.

Photo Caption: Ms. Lewis, accompanied by the Portland Water District Board of Trustees President, Louise Douglas, accepts the award at the AMWA 2022 Executive Management Conference this week in Savannah, Georgia.