Land Use Policies
PWD has adopted four policies in recent years that collectively describe our approach to land use and beliefs about development in the Sebago Lake watershed.
*Identifies the Sebago Lake Land Reserve, which activities are prohibited, and which land is no trespassing.
Watershed Land Conservation Policy
* Asserts that preservation of forested land is critical for long term protection of lake water quality and outlines a program for contributing funds to support the efforts of watershed property owners who seek to conserve their land in perpetuity.
* Identifies priority properties to acquire from willing sellers at fair market value – all properties located inside the 2-mile “No Bodily Contact” zone around the intakes and within 500 feet of the lake shoreline.
* Explains the District’s view of how activity on the lake should be managed in order to lower the risk to public health.
If you have questions about these policies or want to provide your comments, contact us.