What is a Submeter and how will it lower my wastewater bill?

If you do a lot of outside watering, you could lower your wastewater bill by purchasing a submeter.

A submeter measures water from your outside faucet that doesn’t enter the wastewater system. The amount of water measured by the submeter is not billed municipal wastewater charges.

The submeter program is managed by the Portland Water District on behalf of the municipality (Portland, Windham, Westbrook, Gorham, Cumberland, Cumberland, Cape Elizabeth, South Portland).  Some municipalities require application fees and plumbing inspections.

Customers may return unused submeters if purchased within the last 90 days. Customers will be refunded the purchase price of the submeter minus a $30 restocking fee.


Process and Application

Meter Size and Type Cost Sales Tax Total
5/8″ Iperl $275.69 $15.16 $290.85
3/4″ Iperl $300.82 $16.55 $317.37
1″ Iperl $361.53 $19.88 $381.41

For meters over 1″

please call for pricing