What if I choose not to install a backflow device?
If the Cross Connection Control Program indicates that a property needs a backflow prevention device in order to protect public health, a backflow prevention device will need to be installed in order for the property to continue to be served by PWD. Failure to comply with the PWD Cross Connection Control Program may result in…
What are substantial renovations?
Substantial renovations are defined as renovations where a building’s plumbing system, including the water service to the building is removed, replaced, or expanded. Renovations need not involve major structural changes to be considered substantial by the District.
If I have a grandfathered fire sprinkler system, do I have to install a backflow preventer right away?
No. Grandfathered fire sprinkler systems are required to install backflow prevention devices when the systems are upgraded or redevelopment to the property occurs.Â
What is the cost of backflow prevention devices?
Costs vary from a basic residential backflow preventer to a more complex commercial systems. It is best to contact your plumber and get a quote before work begins.Â
Why are you updating your Cross Connection Control Program now?
The State of Maine requires that all public drinking water suppliers maintain a cross connection control program and update it every 5 years. During the recent update, PWD aligned its program with stricter EPA’s guidelines to further protect public safety.
Will installing a backflow preventer affect the water pressure in my home?
Possibly. It depends on the location of the assembly, the type of assembly installed, and the amount of water flowing through the assembly.
Does having a backflow preventer at my meter mean that my home/business is protected?
No. Having a backflow preventer installed at your meter only protects the public water system. There may be unprotected cross-connection issues within your property. Contact your plumber to discuss other preventative measures you can take to further protect your property from backflows.Â
What is a backflow prevention device and which one is best to install?
Backflow prevention in a drinking water system is an in-line assembly that is used to keep undesirable water from entering the drinking water system during a backflow event. Your plumber will be able to assist you with the correct device for your system. Generally, for residential water systems, a non-testable dual check valve assembly is…
What are some examples of hazards at my home that could contaminate the drinking water system?
Irrigation systems, hose bibs, boilers, radiant heat systems, wells, docks, ponds, fountains, pressure boosting systems, pools, spas, graywater systems, rain water collection systems, reclaimed water, and solar heating systems are just a few examples of hazards that could contaminate the drinking water system. A cross connection is a connection between a potable drinking water pipe…
Do you need to have annual testing of your backflow device?
Commercial devices are required to be tested annually and results filed with the Portland Water District. A list of certified backflow inspectors can be found on the PWD web site. Â Non-testable backflow devices do not need to be tested.Â
Do residential properties need backflow devices?
Yes, under the updated program, new residential construction or substantially renovated properties need to install backflow prevention devices.
How can you prevent backflows from occurring?
Backflows are prevented by installing backflow prevention assemblies onto a piping system to allow water to flow in only one direction.Â
What is a backflow?
A backflow can occur when a substance flows back into the public water system as water pressure fluctuates. This could be as a result of a water main break or hydrant usage.
What is a cross connection?
A cross connection is a physical connection between the drinking water system and any other piping system containing a non-potable substance. An example of a potential cross connection is a garden hose attached to an outside spigot with the end of the hose submerged in a pool or connected to a container holding a toxic…