Environmental Education

The Portland Water District engages the public through various platforms to inform audiences and inspire long-term environmental stewardship.

Through a partnership with the Cumberland County Soil and Water Conservation District (CCSWCD), PWD supports water education in area schools. The protection of Sebago Lake is strengthened through a shared understanding of water and environmental principles.

Each year, approximately 1,000 middle school students participate in our water education lessons that aim to provide high-quality, unique, engaging educational experiences. You can request program lessons through the CCSWCD: https://www.cumberlandswcd.org/education. All lessons are aligned with the Next Generation Science Standards. Availability is limited so requests are considered on a case-by-case basis. Supplemental lessons and other activities are available as well. All resources are provided on our Google Drive and through our virtual resources webpage.

TroutKids Program

Students learn about Maine’s native brook trout, water quality, and stewardship through the TroutKids Program, managed by CCSWCD. During the winter, students raise trout in their classroom and release them into local water bodies each spring. CCSWCD coordinates trout release field trips for a set number of classes, while other teachers conduct their trout releases independently. TroutKids provides hands-on science and stewardship opportunities while fostering knowledge about and a connection with Maine’s valuable natural resources.

a student watching a science experiment

Virtual Resources

The Portland Water District engages the public through various platforms to inform audiences and inspire long-term environmental stewardship.

A group of students on a tour


Get an up-close look at the technology, equipment, and people that provide clean and safe water to our community. Our tours are both educational and engaging, and we’re confident that you’ll come away with a new appreciation for the vital role that water and wastewater facilities play in our daily lives.

sebago lake protection office

Protection Office

Visit us at our Sebago Lake Protection Office. Ask a question or view lakescaping demo projects. We are here to help!

Land Reserve

The Sebago Lake Land Reserve is a 1700-acre preserve, located in Standish, that is open to the public for passive recreational activities.