Boil Water Order Notice for Peaks Island, Little Diamond Island, Great Diamond, House Island, and Cushing Island
Due to a water main break, the Portland Water District has issued a precautionary Boil Water Notice for all of Peaks Island, Little Diamond Island, Great Diamond, House Island, and Cushing Island.
The boil order is in effect as of noon, February 12, 2025.
As a precaution, consumers are directed to boil water for 1 minute at a rolling boil before
- Drinking
- Washing food
- Making ice cubes
- Brushing teeth
- Or in any other activity involving consumption
Boiling water kills bacteria and other organisms that could potentially be in the water.
This Order shall remain in effect until further notice. Water samples will be collected and results will be available in approximately 24-hours.
Questions regarding this notice should be directed to:
Portland Water District | State of Maine Drinking Water Program |
207.761.8310 | 207.287.2070 | |
Updates will be provided at, on our Facebook page, and shared with the media. You can also find more information, such as frequently asked questions, on our website. Please share this information with other people who drink this water.