Pursuant to Article I, Section 2 of the Bylaws and by vote of the Board of Trustees, the
WORKSHOP MEETINGS will be held at 225 Douglass Street, Portland, Maine on the
of the Board of Trustees of the Portland Water District during 2025 will be held at the same
location at 6:00 PM, on the FOURTH MONDAY of each month. There are a few exceptions to this schedule and the full Trustee meeting calendar can be found at the District’s website,
www.pwd.org. Pursuant to the Remote Meeting Policy enacted by the Board of Trustees, it is possible that some meetings may be held remotely. REGULAR MONTHLY MEETINGS of
the Board can be accessed by the Public via a Zoom link, which is published on our website for each REGULAR MONTHLY MEETING. A copy of the Board’s Remote Meeting Policy can
be found at the District’s website.
Note: on Mondays, which are state-observed holidays, the meetings will be held at the scheduled time on the following day.
Meeting notices are published in the Public Notice section of the Portland Press Herald no later than seven days prior to the meeting or earlier than ten days prior to the meeting. In the event of a meeting cancellation, a notice will be posted in PWD’s customer service entrance, on the door of the Nixon Training Room, and on PWD’s website. For a full schedule of 2025 Trustee meetings, please consult the website.
Donna M. Katsiaficas
Corporate Clerk