The Private Hydrant Inspection Program covers the following services:
- Hydrostatic Leakage Test. This test ensures the hydrant is operational and is free of defects or leaks within the body of the hydrant. This initial test is conducted in September or October, prior to extended cold periods.
- Periodic inspections. Periodic inspections will be conducted from November to April. Inspections ensure hydrants remain dry.
- Any problems that are discovered will be reported to the owner. Since even the most minor problem could cause a major breakdown, e.g. freezing of the hydrant, we are asking everyone who signs up for this program to provide us with a 24-hour emergency contact number or a frequently checked e-mail address.
The Private Hydrant Inspection Program does not cover the following services:
- A complete AWWA hydrant inspection. The American Water Works Association’s (AWWA) complete inspection covers 22 items that would be examined. PWD offers a limited inspection service that covers basic hydrant functionality. Complete inspections are time intensive and more costly.
- Installation of flags so that the hydrants can be seen above drifting snow.
- Painting of the hydrants.
- Color Coding of the hydrants. Color coding is used by fire departments to indicate the available water flow.
- Flow Testing of the hydrants. PWD provides flow testing of private hydrants for a separate fee.
Repair of Hydrants: Portland Water District does not make any type of repairs to private fire hydrants.
Disclaimer: PWD will perform the services as described. No other warranties are expressed or implied.