Lower Bay Protection Zones/Security
Visiting Sebago Lake’s Lower Bay
The Lower Bay of Sebago Lake is open for public access. There are some restrictions for the protection of the water supply.
Lower Bay Protection Zone
PWD withdraws drinking water from Sebago Lake’s Lower Bay at the lake’s southern end. To protect the water quality, in 1913 the Maine State Legislature created a law which establishes restricted access zones in Lower Bay “for the purpose of protecting the purity of the waters.” Two zones of protection in Lower Bay that have restrictions are:
No Trespassing Zone
According to this law no trespassing is allowed within 3,000 feet of the intake pipes. This No Trespassing zone is marked by prominent buoys during the open water season and with ice flags in the winter.
No Bodily Contact Zone
Within two miles of the intakes no swimming, wading, or other bodily contact is allowed. This No Bodily Contact zone is also clearly marked with buoys and signs. Boating is allowed within this zone but no human contact with the water is allowed. PWD security staff is active all year, particularly during the summer, patrolling the lake and watershed to ensure that legal controls are enforced. Violation of restriction zones may result in fines of up to $2,500.
Standish Boat Launch
The boat launch at Sebago Lake Station in Standish, Sebago Lake Station Landing, is within the No Bodily Contact Zone. This means boats must be launched there without touching the water. District Security staff, working in concert with Town of Standish staff, are present at the boat launch 7 days per week during the open water season. They greet boaters, explain the protection zones around the intakes, distribute educational literature, inspect boats for the presence of invasive plants, and enforce the restrictions.
The boat launch is owned and operated by the Town of Standish.
For more information: https://www.standish.org/sebago-lake-station-landing