Activation of seasonal water services is underway throughout our service area and will be complete by May 1.

The Portland Water District is beginning to schedule the activation of seasonal services. Please read through the following important information about your seasonal service then select the appropriate link above to quickly activate your seasonal service. If you do not have access to the internet, you can complete the form below and mail it to the address displayed at the bottom of this letter. If your water service is not needed on May 1, please help us by requesting a later date.

Service Availability

* Surface mains – May 1 through October 15

* Deep mains – Year round service potential (please contact us for details)

Meter Removal

* Surface Mains – Automatic after October 15th (provided meter is accessible)

* Deep Mains – Upon customer request. Please call Customer Service to make arrangements prior to December 15th.

Responsibility for Damaged Water Meters

Customers are charged for repair or replacement of meters damaged by freezing, heat or other causes deemed within the customer’s control.

Meter Installation

All meters – scheduled upon customer request (Please leave ‘inside valve’ shut – we will turn water on to valve)

Unauthorized Usage

Unmetered use is against the law! Only District employees and agents may operate District-owned supply valves and install or remove meters.

Minimum Charges – 5/8″ Meter

* Surface Mains: $313.77 for member communities; $264.10 for non-member communities.

* Deep Mains: $360.85 for member communities; $303.71 for non-member communities.

Past Due Balances

Account must be paid in full from previous year to qualify for seasonal service.

Late Fees

A late payment charge may be assessed for any undisputed water or wastewater charge not paid by the due date.

Seasonal customers who take service for only a portion of the year from either a surface or deep main are subject to seasonal rules and rates. Deep main customers who take service for 3 months or less may request in writing to remain on monthly rates. See PWD Terms and Conditions for details.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our customer service center at (207) 761-8310 or Our office hours are Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Thank you and welcome back!